HTML - Hypertext Markup Language

Tags: these are properties you give to certain elements on your web page.

Basic HTML tags
<i> - italic
<b> - bold
<u> - underline
<li> - list
<ul> - unordered list
<ol> - ordered list
<img> - image tag
<a href> - hyperlink
To end a tag, the tag is preceded by a forward slash. e.g  </i>
These are some of the html tags you need to know and practice to use as a beginner.

Example 1

Open your notepad on your PC

Type the following: <b><i>This is my first HTML line</i></b>
Result: This is my first HTML line
 Click on File>Save as> save the file as mysite.html
Save on your desktop or any other directory. Click on the saved file and see the result in your browser.

Practice with different statements and try to use these tags as much as possible.

to be continued......
