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Within the blink of an eye, what I saw was Officer Michael a.k.a Mikolo, he was making a selection. Don't get lost. He wasn't making selection of second hand clothes popularly known as "Bend down select or BOSKORO". He was eating d sand in his own blood after being shot by NO NAIRA upon grabbing Mikolo's pistol. Everywhere became silent and deserted at once as everyone tool to their heels. Cool down! I didnt run away though, I was just behind the counter on d same level with the floor with my mind and thoughts connected to God in the best Godly way I could be...**smiles**. And it was clear to me at that time that "there is God ooooo".

Few minutes after the incident, NO NAIRA was nowhere to be found. By then, policemen were already everywhere around d station. Thanks to God, Mikolo didn't die. One thing was now sure than death for Okiro (a.k.a. I Fit Killed U), he will either be there forever or will suffer while stock last... ***LOL***.

At exactly 6:30pm, Mr. and Mrs Seidu arrived with a man who has education written all over his face. All I could remember was the flow of English he rained on the officers and finally, I was released on condition that I must come to report at the family house (Police Station) every 2days. No problem, I said within me.

Wow! I just made my first breakthrough on the street. Now, have got to claim class for some wanna be boys who have not gotten the opportunity to visit the family house. Well, my celebration was cut short as my parents had already planned my trip without visa to destiny land; a land of the stubborn ones where lives are being shaped. There lived a Doctor in this land, his name - Iya Ijebu! Don't get it twisted; my actions were finally taking me to the village and I knew it was bad for my street résumé.

It wasn't over between me and the client of the precious job. My mentor was already on the run with me almost on the run the following morning also. Just as the the nite became darker, a loud banging was heard on our door. And guess wat? it was Capooo (the client). I was drawn out of the room, held flat by two goons and I saw something for the first time, Capoo brought out a stainless steel. Yeh!!! Adaaaa!!!! (Cutlass!!) I shouted! As you would guess, something happened!!!

***to be continued ***

Author: Seidu Kazeem O. 
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