Unbelievable! Politicians now believing in God's power!

Mr. Friday Nwosu says he will be Abia Governor in 2015
Mr. Friday Nwosu, a governorship aspirant under the People's Democratic Party (PDP) who lost in the party's primaries in Abia state recently said he still has confidence he would still be voted as governor of Abia state in 2015. I am trying to understand how a man who did not win the party's ticket to contest will be sure of becoming the state governor. Well, God is in control.

He said he would not defect from PDP. Although, he believes the outcome of the primaries was predetermined. Mr. Nwosu in his words said some God inspired words which you hardly find a politician saying that. 

He said "I am a man of faith and with man, it is impossible. But with God, all things are possible, I believe I will be Abia governor because I have prayed.

" Faith defeats logic, miracle defeats logic, Jesus walked on the sea by faith. If God is defeated, F. Nwosu will be defeated but if God can not be defeated I will not be defeated. "

Well, if it were Pastor Okotie or Pastor Tunde Bakare saying these, I would have assumed its part of them. Anyways, we pray God gives you the grace to achieve your dreams and we pray we all stay alive to see more political drama come 2015. Amin.
