Hello my friend! It's the new year, right? And you made it; CONGRATULATIONS! It's a huge indication that this year will be much better for you. Welcome to the most educative and inspiring talk; the Believe Breakfast talk, hosted by 'Tobi Shobayo, your Believe coach. And on this beautiful morning, allow me to ask with the topic:
Yes! What are your expectations for year 2015? Have you ever gotten a great and exciting opportunity, only to say to yourself, "This is too good to be true"? This is not meant for me! I certainly have done this very thing a number of times, figuring that when great things happen, they often come with obvious or hidden negative strings attached. Then I listened to a tape by Les Brown, a professional speaker, recently. He said, "whenever you think that something is too good to be true, change that thought to saying that the opportunity is good and that it is happening to the right person. YOU!"
I have watched this difference in negative and positive expectations in our dogs at home. We have currently have two dogs at home, the older one named Copper, and the younger, named Doris. They are both interesting, great combo of dogs! Copper was brought up in an environment of love and total security. His power of positive expectation is absolutely astounding. Whoever he meets, he assumes he will be liked and that he will get what he wants. I will admit that he's calm and tough, so you will need to watch your steps when you are in our compound, but that's perhaps besides the point. His expectation of the world is positive, calm and has a bravery that would scare you out. Doris is different, although younger than copper, she was attacked as a puppy when an unknown dog got into our compound. Her expectations of the world are still doubtful and suspicious. When a stranger offers love or food, he either won't approach at all or approach very slowly. Whenever she's on a stroll, and sees another dog coming, she gets scared and goes into hiding. The difference between Doris and Copper isn't at all in the environment around them, it is only in the interpretation of it.
How do you expect the world to treat you? Do you face the world expecting red lights, mean bosses, and difficulties? Or, do you face your environment expecting great things to happen? Whatever we expect is what will likely happen. Did I mention 'likely'? Erase that, whatever we expect is what will happen. So, you can believe God is in control of your situation, expecting His goodness, or you can go around worried, expecting the worst. You're a great being meant for great achievements, you don't have to belittle yourself with negative expectations. Good morning, be optimistic and realistic.
That's it for today, join us again next monday. Expect more this season and tell someone about the Believe Breakfast talk on Seidu Kazeem's Blog (SKB). Thanks and enjoy your week. Keep believing and act! #Believe
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