Hello my friend! How are you doing? Welcome to the most educative and inspiring talk; the Believe Breakfast talk, hosted by 'Tobi Shobayo, your Believe coach. And on this beautiful morning, allow me to conclude on our 'WHAT' series with this topic:
It's no news having resolutions (which is a collection of goals) every year, especially in early moments like these. The basics of setting a goal is an open secret known by top-caliber athletes, successful business individuals & enterprises, as well as 'Tobi Shobayo, and you are about to join our 'hall of fame' list. The basics of setting goals give you short-term and long-term motivation and focus. They help you set focus on the acquisition of required knowledge and help you to plan and organize your resources and your time so that you can get the best out of your life.
Setting clearly defined short term and long term goals will enable you to measure your progress and achieve personal satisfaction once you have successfully met your goals.
The basics of goal settings will involve deciding what you really want to do with your personal life and what short term and long term goals you need to achieve it. Then you have to break down goals into the smaller and manageable targets that you must complete in your way to achieving your lifetime targets. Once you have your list, waste no time in tackling your goals.
A good way to have a manageable list is to have a daily and weekly set of goals. By doing this you will be always in the position of going towards you life plan goals. Everyday will give you the opportunity to fulfill a certain goal giving you the feeling of accomplishment.
- Attitude plays a very big role in setting and achieving your goals. You must ask yourself if any part of you or your mind holding you back towards completing your simplest goals? If there are any part of your behavior that is being a hindrance or puts your plans into disarray? If you do have problems in these areas, then the immediate thing to do is to address this problem.
- Careers are made by good time management practice. Failing in a career is often attributed to bad time management. Careers require a lot from an individual which often makes the career the life of the individual. Plan how far do you want to go into your career, then achieve it passionately.
- Education is key in achieving your goals. If your goals require you to have a certain kind of degree or require a certain specialization or demand a certain skill to be developed, make plans in getting the appropriate education.
-Your family should never be left out of your plans. If you are just starting out then you have to decide if you want to be a parent or when you want to be a parent. You also have to know if you really would be a good parent and how well would you relate to extended family members.
- Personal financial situations also play a major role in achieving your goals. Have a realistic goal on how much you really want to earn. You also must be able to create plans or stages by which you will be able to reach your earning potential.
- As the saying goes -'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy', or something to that effect, is by all means true down to the last the letter. Giving yourself a little pleasure: should be included into your plans.
To start achieving your lifetime goals, set a quarter of a century plan, then break it down to 5 year plans then break it down again to 1 year plans, then 6 month plans then monthly plans, then weekly, then daily.
Then create a things-to-do list for the day. Always review your plans and prepare for contingencies.
I want to see you succeed and fulfilled more. Kindly drop your comments, questions, as well as suggestions. I appreciate your feedbacks. Don't forget, to start achieve those awesome goals, break them down into bits.
Thank you for your time! I'll be so glad if you will join us again next monday for another inspiring broadcast. Thanks again and enjoy your week. Keep believing and act! #Believe
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