Importance of the Identity Card: My experience at a Bank
Good day my lovely readers. I warmly usher you to another exciting and inspirational episode of Midweek Drive. We express our sincere apology for going AWOL (Away Without Official Leave) on you our ardent readers for two weeks running. It was due to circumstances beyond our comprehension and control. We put it to you today that such situation will not occur again and in the event of similar situation, you'll be duly notified. Thanks for your usual understanding.
With that being put away, I'll like to share with you one of my encounters while I was away which taught me a valuable lesson.
That fateful tuesday morning, I woke up on the right side of bed. Yea, I sure did. For the first time in seasons past, a sound sleep succeeded a Manchester United versus Arsenal FC clash played at Old Trafford, Manchester, UK, the previous night. It was the most unlikeliest scenario anyone including bookmakers could ever predict. In case you still haven't noticed, I'm a diehard Arsenal fan. So Arsenal FC defeated Manchester United away from home at Old Trafford. A feat they couldn't manage for eight years. Yes, eight solid years filled with embarrassing and demoralizing defeats (Imagine how I felt after this victory). I apologize for getting carried away as I'm not here to write about arsenal sudden rejuvenation. Anyway, this sudden happening of course was good enough to set the right tone towards an awesome day. In the morning, I transferred all chores and errands to my everly capable siblings so that I'll have the day to myself. Brimming in the euphoria of ecstasy and complete freedom, I went into dreamland hoping to wake up just in time for my habitual evening stroll after which I'll turn in for dinner. Neither did I forsaw nor had the slightest idea that the day still held a stressful moment for me. Under two hours into my nap, at exactly 2:34pm, I received a text which read thus, "Lanre abeg send #3000 into my account. I need it urgently!". I digested the content and realised I had a friend in distress.
Still no sign of impending 'wahala' here, I rushed down to the nearest bank which was about 2km away. Stood the test of the 'normal' long queue in the banking hall so as to make a withdrawal (my ATM card has expired and the process for new one was underway). Eventually, it got to my turn and the pretty cashier gave me the most cruel-kind-of-funny sucker punch ever. "I'm sorry Mr Lambe, you cannot make any withdrawal from this account as your signature no longer correspond with what you used to open this account. Kindly present a means of identification preferably an Identity card to verify your ownership of this account", she said in the most subtle tone one could ever imagine. Stuck between utter surprise, shock and dismay, all I could do was stare at her beautiful face. I proceeded by turning on all my charming smile hoping she'd tell me she made a costly mistake. Alas, she stuck to her guns saying, "The only way I can certify a withdrawal of even 1 kobo from your supposed account is to present a valid ID card." In my mind I was like, "Shoo! Ano fit comot moni weh I sweat gather con save put for ma account again ni. Wahala dey o! Na to die put for here today!"
You wanna hear more bad news? I left home without enough cash hoping to replenish my pocket with the withdrawal so as to have money to make the trip back home. With only small 'change' on me and no other alternative, I knew going back home will spell doom (although, I logically have much time to make it back to the bank before closing hour but I wasn't willing to take the risk owing to unforeseen circumstances). So I thought about lodging a complaint at the customer service unit hoping for leniency. After enduring another long queue, the pretty cashier's claim was validated and I was told the only alternative was to change my signature. Smiling as I sensed relief and victory, I asked, "Where do I sign?" "Do you have a valid ID card on you?", the customer service agent quizzed. (Not again!) I nodded dejectedly and negatively to declare my guiltiness. And the gloomy look was back.
Oh, did I remember to chip in that I've to deposit the money into my friend's account whose bank is still metres away? Guess I didnt. Well, now you know.
Time was running faster than normal. Even three Usian Bolts glued together will never catch up. Emotionally frustrated and physically drained, I rushed down back to the pretty cashier optimistic for last minute miracle. But she reiterated her claim, advising me to hurry home and bring the required document.
Left with no choice, I rushed home cursing my luck and wishing I could return just in time to make the transaction. To add salt to injury, the bus I took broke down midway. Eventually, I made it home but not in time to make it back to the bank. So I was unable to save the dude in distress who was left stranded and had to seek for a reliable option and most importantly, I was unable to correct my faulty bank details.
All these troubles could have been avoided if I'd heeded my father's sacred words. "Never leave home without an ID card irrespective of wherever you're going", he will say.
It's no longer news that an identity card is a must have for any individual claiming to be a member of a civilized group or society. However, the perception of most Nigerian youths is a troubling affair. Walk up to a youth on the street and ask for any means of identification. Seven out of ten won't be able to present any. This shouldn't be the case. An identity card certifies, endorses and attests to the fact that you're a bonafide member of the society. It should be with you at all times. Be it at church, mosque, street, school, event gatherings etc., make sure you go out with one. It might be needless today but situation might warrant you present one tomorrow. I got caught unaware so could you be in similar situation too. Many people have spent days behind police counters simply because they got rounded up unjustly by the police and their inability to identify themselves with the help of a valid ID card have left them doomed. Others have been left in tight corners owing to same misconception. Last week, I almost missed an important event because the driver of the bus I boarded failed to produce an identity document called Local Government Interstate Permit. It took over an hour before the taskforce officials heeded our plea. Despite that, the driver's negligence costed him a hefty fine and of course the passengers valuable time. This issue cuts across all divides so it should be taken with utmost importance. At times, you might not be the only one who bear the brunt as innocent people also will unjustly have an unfair dose of what your carelessness might cause.
Now that I've driven home my point, I do hope you go out there and obtain the necessary ID cards available at your disposal. Voter's card, driver's licence, national ID card, student ID card, residency permit etc are some of the recognised ID cards you could obtain. Not just obtain it, imbibe the habit of going out with at least one valid ID card. This simple task will save you lots of unnecessary stress and headache. Trust me on this.
Thanks for taking out time to share this little moment with me. Till we meet again next week, remain blessed. Have a wonderful week ahead. God bless you all.
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