Passionate Replies from Nigerians to President-elect, Buhari's tweet

On Tuesday night, a tweet from the Nigerian President - elect,  Gen. Muhammadu Buhari (Rtd) handle which reads the statement below was tweeted.
I thank you for believing in, and working for, this vision. Together, we will build a Nigeria we can be proud of once again. - GMB

A lot crossed through my mind while reading through different replies from Nigerians who sacrificed so much to make his dream come true. The main thing I deduced from the replies is that "Nigerians can not afford to go on another 4yrs of failed ride again.  Their hope is all on God and the president-elect." I felt touched. Here are some of the replies snapshot below. 

Our prayer is that Almighty God help Gen. Muhammadu Buhari in piloting Nigeria to the promise land. 
