BREAKING: Boko Haram hits Maiduguri again

Boko Haram terrorists have once again attack ed Maiduguri, Borno state capital in another bomb attack. The attack which occurred on Tuesday night. Daily Post reported that the Army Chief is yet to confirm the incident as number of casualties is not yet ascertained at the moment. 

This attack came days after the terrorist group attacked the Chibok community and burnt houses with at least two people killed.


Tuesday night's attack took place at Ajilari Cross area of the city. Al-Jazeera also reported that at least 5 people were killed and the 3 suicide bombers.

The said suicide bombers made up of two men and a woman reportedly set off the bombs while they were being challenged by civilians in the area after they arouse suspicion. The suicide bombers were asking directions which drew attentions to them.

Ajilari Cross area has been attacked in past months killing at least 117. The military is now at the scene of the blast and a curfew is in place at the moment making it difficult to ascertain total casualties. 
