[Photo News] Pictures from the 2016 Wife Carrying World Championship

The World Wife Carrying Championship which took place Sonkajaervi, Finland had participating couples from different countries. Part of the requirements is that the wife must be at least 17years old.

See photos below.

Picture: Anastasia Loginova and Dimitriy Sagal of Russia (Winner, 2016)
Photo Credit: AP
The distance covered is about 250 meters with two dry obstacles and one water obstacles. The water is about 1m deep. The husband carries the wife on his back throughout the race. Interesting positions and styles were the highlights of the championship. More photos below:

Picture: Participating couples in action
Photo Credit: EPA

Picture: Participating couples in action
Photo Credit: EPA

Picture: Participating couples in action
Photo Credit: EPA

Picture: Participating couples in action
Photo Credit: EPA

Picture: Participating couples in action
Photo Credit: EPA
