Waiting For The Casket (by Kazeem Seidu)

I wake up in the morning, sleep in the afternoon and wake up in the evening and return to my sleep only to wake up in the morning again. Don't be surprised. It's just the way I live my life in my country 'THE GIANTS' LAND'. Hunger is my only motivation and times to eat is my only calculation.

Waiting for the casket by Kazeem Seidu

Oh my... Oh... Oh myyyy! I've been waiting for the casket! I'm not dead yet but I'm decaying alive. I want a perfect country and an excellent system but my skin is too soft to taste the Sun. Hmmm, I've just been waiting for the casket.
My phone has become my best friend; I talk to no one. Humans can't be trusted though. Oh, don't remind me! I know I've been waiting for the casket.
I just can't stress myself. Afterall, I get enough to eat from my brothers, friends and neighbours. Why should I work? Guaranteed feeding equals no poverty ( if hunger is taken away from poverty, poverty has been alleviated - Yoruba proverb). Oh! I'm crying because all I've been doing is waiting for the casket.
God knows my mind. Do I still need to ask for what I want? Spare me! This lecturer knows I'm always in class; I've never missed a class. Why should I bother to write his exam?
Now tell me, she can't deny it. She sees me passing in front of her house every morning. So, she definitely knows I want to marry her? What is the need to ask her out? I've just shot myself in the leg and I've been waiting for the casket.

I've heard people saying "make hay while the sun shines". How is that possible? That's when I enjoy my sleep the most and you know good sleep means good health. Oh! Am I Doomed? Now, I know it's a sure path to an unsecured future and to an eternal poverty . I mean to wait for the casket.
Imagine I'm told that I must change so that the country can be better. Hell no! I'm not in the position of authority. Anything I do doesn't affect the country. Just because I choose to be corrupt and unproductive doesn't make the country bad. Alas! We have millions of my kind. Oh Creator! This land is getting doomed. Now I know, my change is the country's change. Why have I been waiting for the casket? 

And this is an illustration of the life of an average youth in "The Giants' Land". A dead man is not only a body six feet below the surface but a living being who decides to be unproductive: intentionally or unintentionally. He is dead within and only waiting for the casket.

Rise up to life today. Be productive, meet demands, contribute your quota and watch yourself become great.


- Kazeem Seidu


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