[Photos] Afaaji of Faaji' Surprise Birthday: Showers of encomiums on Kilomodemo for a surprise treat

In what appeared as a twist, turn and toast, a commissioner nominee in the State of Osun, Prince Felix Ibitoye (Kilomodemo) early this morning gathered some notable monarchs, political stakeholders and other eminent personages at the residential doorstep of his country home traditional ruler, the Afaaji of Faaji, Oba Moshood Olawale Olaleke, for his birthday celebration to the amazement and amusement of the monarch-celebrant, who was never aware of the arrangement. 

L-R: Engr. Prince Ibitoye Felix (Kilomodemo), Afaaji of Faaji, Oba Moshood Olawale and Deputy Chief of Staff to the Osun State Governor, Mr. Binuyo

Earlier, Prince Adeniran Felix had made arrangements for birthday celebration of the monarch by inviting his colleagues in the royal kingdom, and other celebrated individuals especially from the political sphere without prior knowledge of the Afaaji. 

Speaking at the event which took place at the Oba's residential entrance, Deputy Chief of Staff to the Governor of the State of Osun, Mr. Abdullahi Binuyo congratulated Afaaji, adding "the surprise is worth it, as both the celebrant, Afaaji, and the facilitator, Kilomodemo, are good persons". 

L-R: Comrade Antioch, Kabiyesi Olopete of  Opete, Engr. Ibitoye Felix (Kilomodemo), Mr. Abdullah Binuyo
at the event.
Also speaking at the programme, an Osun-based Human Rights Activist, Amitolu Shittu eulogised Afaaji for his humility. 

He added that the Oba's grace has permeated the ancient town of Faaji, citing Kilomodemo, a son of the soil, as a symbol of the manifestation of the monarch's grace.

Cross-section of well-wishers
In his goodwill message, Aragbiji of Iragbiji, Oba Abdur-Rasheed Ayotunde Olabomi described Oba Moshood Olawale as a monarch worthy of emulation.

The Monarch-Celebrant and Wife receiving a present from Kilomodemo

Aragbiji urged all the indigenes of Faaji to support the Afaaji, adding that the monarch didn't keep malice or abhor grudges against anyone. 

Speaking further, Oba Olabomi nudged attendees to emulate Afaaji's patience, stressing that all could not be governors, presidents or kings. 

Reacting to the 'surprise birthday', the celebrant, Oba Moshood Olawale expressed his astonishment. 

The monarch said he was taken aback not only because he was unaware, but also for the fact that he had never celebrated his birthday. 

He said:

"I don't do birthday. I only observe my birthday with prayers and with my wife".
"This did not only surprise me, it also pained me. It pained me because I was surprised to see Kabiesi Aragbiji here, and the Deputy Chief of Staff, the duo of whom I had intended to meet for expression of my gratitude over the nomination of my son, Prince Adeniran Kilomodemo, as cabinet member in the governance of the State of Osun

The celebrant however, expressed his happiness, and appreciation of uncommon show of love and rare goodwill demonstrated by Hon. Kilomodemo and other prominent figures some of whom, according to Olororuwo, Oba Kamorudeen Adeyemi Alawode, couldn't take their baths in a bid to meet the 7am time slated for the surprise birthday. 

Kilomodemo addressing the gathering

Cross-Section of Well-Wishers

In his further appreciation of Kilomodemo's goodwill gesture, Oba Moshood exhorted the cabinet nominee to be wary of his kindheartedness towards people, prodding him to cut his cloth according to his size. 

Within the shortest period during which the 'surprise birthday' was organised, the organiser, Hon. Kilomodemo, was able to assemble ten eminent traditional rulers: Aragbiji, Elende, Olororuwo, Alasi, Alasaba, Onila, Atapara, Olokua, Olopete and Onigbaye, among other notable stakeholders who attended the event.

