$40,000 Crypto Scam: Alleged Investor Scam Enterprise Revealed


Danny Oyekan (@futtrillionaire on Twitter/X) has been alleged of scamming several users of his startups and unsuspecting victims of huge amount of cryptocurrency while posing as a crypto investor.

He currently owns Blockfinex (@blockfinexcom), CoinsApp (@coinsappglobal), Flip by Fluidcoins (getFlipApp), Fluidcoins (@fluidcoins), Dan Ventures (@danventures1), Telechat (@telechatapp) and others.

In a report by @PIDOMNIGERIA on Twitter/X, it was revealed that Danny recently scammed an individual of crypto worth $40,000 USD.

According to the report, the INTERPOL is now aware of his activities and might be arrested in Dubai where he is currently based.

A number of victims have made several appeals to this alleged scammer before now but were either threatened or blocked from interacting with him.

Read the full report on X/Twitter by @PIDOMNIGERIA below:

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